Recycle Your Church Candle Waste
A simple decision to stop church candle waste grew into a regional waste collection service. This led to investment in a recycling facility to clean and recycle candle wax and the plastic containers holding the wax. The service continues to expand both geographically and in scope. Our aim is simple, to help the church reduce its carbon footprint. Find out more by clicking on the following link.
DM Hay works with churches to recycle altar, paschal, advent, votives (plastic and metal), and sanctuary light cases incl. lids. If you'd like to work with us to reduce church candle waste please click on the following link.
In September 2023, DM Hay pioneers a new recycling service to clean and refill used sanctuary lights. The service aims to reduce waste and reduce the cost of buying sanctuary lights.
You can drop off, post or courier your waste to our recycling facility at Exeter Business Centre, 39 Marsh Green Road West, Exeter EX2 8PN.
Thank you for helping to stop church waste!