The Definitive Guide to Buying Altar Candles

In times where churches are carefully managing their resources, it's crucial to ensure every purchase provides genuine value while also aligning with the responsibility to care for creation. Altar candles, a central part of worship, should offer not only affordability but also a dependable and lasting presence. Choosing wisely can make a real difference in how reliably the candle performs, how long it burns, the consistency of its flame, and its impact on the environment. This guide will help you consider important aspects like burn time, quality, and sustainability, so you can select altar candles that respect tradition, offer predictable performance, and reflect your church's values, all while making the most of your church's budget. Let’s start with a little science and then look at how the method of manufacture has the biggest influence on how an altar candle performs.

Crystal Structure of Waxes

Each of the main waxes used in altar candle manufacturing - beeswax, paraffin wax, and stearic acid - are chosen for their hardness and high melting points, essential prerequisites for making tall, narrow, unsupported altar candles. Let's examine each at a molecular level.

The crystal structure of beeswax is quite intricate and less uniform than some other waxes. It's mainly made up of orthorhombic crystals (imagine tiny rectangular boxes with uneven sides). However, there are also areas within the beeswax that are less organised, almost like a liquid crystal, due to something called 'frustrated' lamellar packing (this means the layers of molecules don't stack perfectly on top of each other). This also imparts a 'sticky' quality to the wax, which is why bees can build honeycombs on many different materials. However, it is precisely this quality that makes it difficult to use with extrusion or pressing candle machinery, which we'll discuss shortly.

Paraffin wax consists of neatly arranged orthorhombic crystals, where long chains of hydrocarbon molecules line up in parallel rows, similar to soldiers in formation. This organised structure makes the wax quite dense and solid.


Stearic acid has a monoclinic crystal structure (imagine stacks of long molecules, a bit like logs piled on top of each other, but tilted at an angle). These molecules are held together by special bonds called hydrogen bonds, which form between the ends of the molecules.

Having examined wax molecular characteristics, we can now look at how this influences the type of manufacturing process used, as well as the integral structure of candles made using different methods.

Manufacturing Process

The type of manufacturing process employed has a big influence on the characteristics and performance of the finished altar candle, so let's take a deep dive.

Drawing (Dipping)

Because of its sticky property, beeswax candles are made using traditional drawing (dipping) manufacturing methods where layers of wax are built up following repeated immersions in molten wax and exposure to air. Upon exposure to air, molten wax cools rapidly into sheets of densely-packed, needle-shaped crystals aligned parallel to the wick. This highly regulated, dense structure imparts a predictable and consistent burn quality. Paraffin wax and stearic acid also behave in this way when cooled following immersion in molten wax. When blended together, the sticky quality of beeswax binds the waxes together, the larger crystal structure of stearic acid provides hardness, and the paraffin wax provides rigidity.

Pressing and Extrusion

Pressing and extrusion manufacturing methods take a powdered wax, typically paraffin wax because 'sticky' beeswax is unsuitable, and extrude it through a dye or press it into a mould. Both these methods produce higher volumes of candles in continuous manufacturing processes, leading to economies of scale and lower product prices, hence this is the dominant method by which altar candles are made.


To create the 'feeder' powder which is added to the hoppers, molten wax is sprayed into the air where it cools rapidly and is collected as it falls to the ground like snow. The powdered wax displays the characteristic lamellae or rectangular shape of paraffin wax crystals. However, when the powder is compressed together, the lamellae are juxtaposed discordantly, which creates a highly irregular structure containing micro air pockets. In addition, pressure cannot be applied to the powdered wax in the chamber or mould uniformly, creating areas of low and high density within the candle structure. Therefore, most candles produced using this method burn at a faster rate than a drawn candle because of their lower density. Their irregular, less dense structure means they are more likely to exhibit accelerated or uneven burning and are more prone to tunnelling - this is where lower density wax surrounding the wick melts away rapidly, undermining the structural integrity of the candle and potentially leading to candle collapse.

Candle Wick

The molecular structure of cotton is primarily made up of cellulose, a natural polymer composed of long chains of glucose molecules. These chains form a strong, fibrous structure with numerous hydroxyl (OH) groups that create hydrogen bonds, making the fibres highly absorbent. This absorbency allows the cotton wick to efficiently draw liquid wax upward to feed the flame through capillary action. Additionally, the structured arrangement of cellulose fibres provides consistent fuel delivery to the flame, resulting in a steady, controlled burn, making cotton ideal for candle wicks. Cotton wicks are often braided to maintain rigidity, ensuring a consistent flow of wax and controlled burning. This braiding improves capillary action, preventing the wick from drooping and allowing the flame to burn steadily. Candle manufacturing by drawing allows for more precise refinement or customisation of the wick type/size used for a given candle diameter.

Environmental Considerations

Paraffin candles are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource, and their production contributes to carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption. When burned, they release pollutants like soot and volatile organic compounds into the air, impacting indoor air quality. Paraffin wax production and extrusion/pressing manufacturing use significant energy and generate environmental waste.

Beeswax is produced naturally by bees. It burns cleanly with minimal soot and gives off a sweet honey scent, improving indoor air quality. It is biodegradable, and its production has a lower carbon footprint, as does its use in candle making where traditional drawing, a low-tech, low-energy process, is the main method of manufacture.


In summary, the choice of altar candles involves weighing up various factors, including cost, burn time, quality, and environmental impact. While paraffin candles may seem more affordable initially, beeswax candles made through traditional drawing, though pricier, offer longer burn times, predictability, and a more eco-friendly profile. Understanding the science behind waxes and manufacturing processes empowers you to make informed decisions that align with your church's values, health and safety requirements and budgetary considerations.